Congratulations and thank you to our Staff at Chatswood Private Hospital on their 100% Double Vaccination status in accordance with NSW governement requirements for health care workers.
Chatswood Private Hospital continues to prioritise the safety of its Patients and Staff by implementing these Covid-19 response measures:
No visitors on site – Carers collecting patients upon discharge are to continue to wait for them at the screening point unless otherwise arranged. Children may be accompanied by one carer.
Offering onsite Rapid and PCR testing at CPH for staff
Staff Education Program includes competencies of Personal Protective Equipment and protocols for theatre management, including patient and staff risk assessment and social distancing.
All Visitors and Staff must undergo a brief health screening, including temperature screening and QR Code check-in before entering the Hospital and will not be able to visit if they:
Are unwell with any cold or flu like symptoms.
Have a temperature ≥ 37.5°C.
Have been identified as a close personal contact with a confirmed case.
Have been in close contact with a suspected case.
To safeguard our patients, staff and doctors, to enter the hospital, you must practise the following precautions:
You must wear a face mask.
Wash your hands often with soap and water or hand sanitiser.
Avoid contact with others (including touching, kissing and hugging).
You should aim to remain 1.5 metres apart at all times.
Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or use your elbow.
We thank you for your patience and understanding.
A collaborative approach in the workplace that includes discussing, planning and facilitating COVID-19 vaccinations is an important part of Australia’s vaccine rollout, because having a vaccine is one of the best ways to protect ourselves and our community against COVID-19. CPH is proud that all of its staff and doctors are vaccinated against COVID-19 in accordance with NSW government requirements for health care workers.