We have a commitment to the Privacy Act and Principles and the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. An integral part of providing this standard of care is ensuring that patients are aware of their rights and responsibilities.
The rights of all patients at Chatswood Private Hospital are guarded by State and Commonwealth laws.
Our patients have the right to:
Our patients have a responsibility to:
Chatswood Private Hospital is committed to being a standard bearer and centre of excellence. To ensure the highest standards of patient care, we have a continuous process of incremental quality improvements. We continually monitor our hospital’s performance against our quality objectives.
As part of our commitment to quality care, we welcome all compliments, suggestions and complaints.
In the unlikely event that the care you received did not meet your expectations or go as planned, we are committed to communicating with you openly and honestly to bring the matter to a successful conclusion.
Click here to download Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights.
Click here to download Healthcare Rights for People with Cognitive Impairment.
Click here to download Communicating with your Healthcare Provider.
Click here to find out about the REACH (Recognise, Engage, Act, Call, Help is on its way) system.